(302) 635-9760 info@benchmarkfg.com3705 Kennett Pike - The Holladay House, Greenville, DE 19807

Financial Planning

Financial planning involves looking at your entire financial picture and forming strategies to achieve your short and longer term goals.  From investing and planning for retirement to effectively managing taxes and insurance, we develop valuable relationships with our clients to provide them with confidence today and a more secure tomorrow.

We make smart moves with the money you have and make smart plans for what’s to come. We advise on a vast array of strategies in our interactive planning process. This includes building comprehensive financial projections and incorporate the following items to serve as the framework for making financial decisions:

• Cash flow projections
• Balance sheet / Income statement projections
• “What If” scenario analysis
• Investment allocation
• Retirement income planning
• Tax minimization strategies
• Estate plan review & wealth transfer strategies

Financial planning isn’t just about the return on your investments. It’s about making the best financial decisions today so that you get to where you want to be in the future. By utilizing the Benchmark Interactive Planning Process, we calculate the financial impact of every decision we encounter. By quantifying the gains or losses of future decisions, you will gain confidence so that you know you’re doing the best thing for your family.

The Benchmark Interactive Planning Process has three unique characteristics that help you achieve your goals:

• Interactive planning is continuous; it does not start and stop.
• Interactive planning gets you involved in the planning process.
• Interactive planning works backwards from where you want to be in the future

We analyze any and every scenario for you. What’s the gain or loss from doing a Roth IRA conversion? What if you retire early? What if you make annual gifts? What if you change your investment strategy? What if you buy or sell rental properties? What if you move to another state?

We spend our time calculating the gain or loss from these scenarios so that you have a basis for making confident future decisions. We will illustrate to you the potential improvement to your financial future if you implement specific decisions today.